The MDC has set out to establish a new standard for EPA and CT DEEP regulators, by convincing them of a better, more effective way of achieving compliance with the Clean Water Act by prioritizing the communities in which we serve. Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO’s) to the rivers and local water ways is very important as it is a benefit to our communities and the environment. However, the MDC rate payers funding the Clean Water Project were not receiving a direct benefit. MDC is confident, removing stormwater from the sewer system at the property, rather than collecting the overflows in which it causes, will become the model and national standard for other CSO communities across the country by prioritizing the rehabilitation of private property infrastructure . The North Hartford Sewer Improvement Projects are part of the latest phase of the that MDC’s Integrated Plan / Clean Water Project, a response to a Consent Order between the MDC and CT DEEP that describes a new schedule of projects. The current projects are categorized as expedited sewer separation, lining and rehabilitation and private property work. Information Links INTEGRATED PLAN REPORTING INFORMATION PAGE NORTH HARTFORD SEWER PROJECT AREA MAP GREATER HARTFORD FLOOD COMMISSION PRESENTATION CITY OF HARTFORD FLOOD MANAGEMENT INFORMATION PAGE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER HARTFORD FLOOD RELIEF & COMPENSATION PROGRAM Construction Project Outreach Questions (860) 278-7850 ext. 3309
Many urban areas, including Hartford, utilize a “combined sewer system” in which one pipe in the street carries both sewage and stormwater. When excess rain events occur, the pipes sometimes can’t handle the excess stormwater in the sewer that was designed for a population much smaller than today. In a typical sewer separation project, a second pipe is added in the street where the new pipe will serve as a sanitary sewer for household waste, and the existing combined sewer will remain in place as a dedicated storm pipe. Once construction of the sewer separation project in the street is complete, a new second pipe, or lateral, must be connected to each and every home and business. There are currently 4 separation projects planned and the work is being conducted via On-Call Sewer Program. See below weekly construction updates and each project’s “information page” link for more specific information on each project. DURHAM STREET (Project Completed) Durham Street Project Information page Durham Street Information Flyer Project is substantially complete. Final lawn restoration on private property complete, pending grass establishment.WOODSTOCK STREET AND BRANFORD STREET Woodstock and Branford Project Information Page Construction work week of November 4 Sewer work complete. Water Main: Cornwall – installing water main (Monday) Hebron – installing water main (Tue-Fri)
WESTLAND STREET Westland Street Project Information Page Construction work week of November 4 Crew 1: Frontier conduit relocation – Garden North Crew 2: Water services – Garden South
WINDSOR STREET Construction scheduled for 2025
Sewer lining is performed to help remove infiltration (groundwater that seeps into the pipe through cracks or holes) and improve the structural integrity of the pipe and “renew” the pipe’s remaining life. It is a “no-dig” type of construction thereby minimizing the impact to property owners and residents. There are 5 areas in North Hartford that will have Sewer Lining and Rehabilitation projects which are being completed as part of 3 contracts (and one expedited on-call sewer task) They include approximately 97,000 linear feet of lining & rehabilitation/repair of approximately 3300 House Connections. All work is expected by be completed by the end of 2026.
TOWER AVENUE / NORTH MEADOWS SEWER REHABILITATION Tower Avenue / North Meadows Sewer Rehabilitation Information page Construction Work Week of November 4 Crew1: Main St (Tues – Fri), from Tower to Cleveland Ave (CCTV and Cleaning) Crew 2: Main St (Wed – Fri) from Tower to Montville (Short lining)
NORTH BRANCH PARK RIVER (GRANBY/BLUE HILLS) SEWER & LATERAL REHABILITATION & REPAIR North Branch Park River Sewer Rehabilitation Information Page Construction Work Week of November 4 Crew 1: Plainfield, Chatham – Lateral Lining (Mon – Thurs) Crew 2: Thomaston, Hebron – Lateral Lining (Tues – Thurs) Crew 3: Blue Hills – Lateral Cleaning and CCTVNORTH MEADOWS AREA 5/6/7 SEWER & LATERAL REHABILITATION & REPAIR North Meadows Area 5/6/7 Sewer & Lateral Rehabilitation & Repair Information Page Construction Work Week of November 4 No WorkGULLY BROOK SEWER & LATERAL REHABILITATION & REPAIR Sewer & Lateral Rehabilitation in Gully Brook Drainage Area (In Design) Construction:
North Branch Park River Drainage Study Information Page Greater Hartford Flood Commission Presentation July 18 PRIVATE PROPERTY PROJECTS Sewer Backup Prevention Program / Backwater Valve Program Sewer House Connection Program
MDC North Hartford Sewer Improvement Projects Video (Durham Street and Tower Avenue Area)
Integrated Plan Video Short
North Hartford Sewer Project Outreach Meeting materials (June 29 & July 25) June 29 Presentation North End Senior Center July 25 Presentation Parker Memorial Community Center Project Area Map Backwater Valve Program Information