The Metropolitan District flushes approximately 11,000 fire hydrants throughout its towns beginning in spring through the end of summer of each year. This is done to maintain the quality of our water and ensure that the fire hydrants servicing your community are in good working condition for fire protection.

Fire hydrant flushing can temporarily result in discolored water.  If discolored water occurs in your home, run the cold water in your bathtub for approximately 20 minutes until the water runs clear. This discoloration is not harmful and is due to sediment and iron that collects in the pipe throughout the year which is disturbed and removed by the flushing process.

As part of the MDC fire hydrant flushing process, the MDC continuously takes water samples throughout the area to ensure that the sediment has been cleared from the system.

If the discolored water persists please contact the MDC’s 24-Hour Emergency Command Center (860) 278-7850 and press 1.

2024 FLUSHING SCHEDULE (see links for flushing area maps)

August 28 – October 6
Hartford (Area 2) 
East by Van Dyke Ave, Reserve Rd / I-91 
South by Wethersfield Town Line 
West by West Hartford Town Line 
North by Farmington Ave 

August 5 – October 11
Hartford (Area 1) 
Area bordered; East by Leibert Rd. / I-91
South by Farmington Ave. / Asylum St
West by West Hartford Town Line
North by Bloomfield Town Line / Windsor Town Line

East Hartford (Area 1) 
East Hartford (Area 2)
South Windsor

West Hartford (Area 1)
West Hartford (Area 2) 
East Granby
Bloomfield (Area 1)
Bloomfield (Area 2)
Windsor (Area 1)
Windsor (Area 2)
Newington (Area 1) 
Newington (Area 2) 
Rocky Hill
Wethersfield (Area 1) 
Wethersfield (Area 2)