Availability & Capacity Analysis
When planning to develop or redevelop a site, whether you have a connection or not, you will need to work with MDC Engineering-Technical Services staff to determine if the MDC’s water and/or wastewater systems have sufficient capacity. Throughout the process, MDC will determine the available capacity of the system and verify that it can meet your estimated needs for domestic and fire water services. Please allow a minimum of four weeks to complete the analysis.
Change of Building/Property Use
If a property is currently utilizing MDC’s wastewat er collection system, sewer connection charges were calculated for a specific use when the property was first connected to the system. When you are planning your redevelopment, please be aware that a change of use will require a re-evaluation of the sewer connection charges for the property. A final determination of required sewer charges can be made after a final plan of the site is complete.
Fire Protection Systems
During the Availability & Capacity Analys is, the MDC shall evaluate the water capacity for fire suppression. MDC does not guarantee water capacity for fire demands. MDC encourages early coordination with the City/Town Fire Marshall to determine required fire flows. Alternate sources of water supply (i.e. on-site storage) may be required if your fire protection demand is higher than the system allows. This procedure is required whether you have a fire connection or not. Note: Installation of a new combination service is not allowed. Any retro-fitting of an existing combination service requires review and approval by MDC Engineering-Technical Services.
It is suggested that a flow test on a hydrant or hydrants in the area of the availability and capacity analysis be performed to confirm the system pressure in your area.
Easement Encroachment Permit
When planning to develop or redevelop over, under, or adjacent to an MDC pipeline on private lands, you are required to submit the plan to the MDC Engineering-Technical Services Department in order obtain an encroachment permit. You can determine the locations of existing pipelines and/or easement limits by contacting MDC Utility Services, and/or reviewing the City/Town land records for the property. The appropriate District Bureau (water or sewer) and the District Board must provide final approval before any work can be done within the easement. Please allow a minimum of four months to complete the process.
Change of Building/Property Use
If a property is currently utilizing MDC’s wastewater collection system, sewer connection charges were calculated for a specific use when the property was first connected to the system. When you are planning your redevelopment, please be aware that a change of use will require a re-evaluation of the sewer connection charges for the property. A final determination of required sewer charges can be made after a final plan of the site is complete.
Abandonment of MDC Utility in Private Lands
If you are planning to develop or redevelop lands and wish to request that MDC abandon an existing water or sewer main and its accompanying easement, you will need to relocate or replace the water or sewer main with a layout that meets District approval by following the District’s Developer Permit Agreement (DPA) process. Note that this activity requires Bureau (water or sewer) and District Board approval, first, followed by the relocation or replacement of the utility before any work can begin in the easement. Please allow a minimum of six months to complete the process.
For all inquiries regarding the above information, please contact our Technical Services Department by emailing techservices@themdc.com.