The Metropolitan District (MDC) requires an Availability/Capacity review be completed prior to moving forward with applications for a new or modification of an existing water service, sanitary sewer connection or combined sewer/storm drain connection (Hartford only). This process is also required for developer extensions of MDC’s infrastructure (Developer Permit Agreement process) and for a Change-in-Use (i.e. change from commercial/industrial to residential, or increase to unit counts). The intent of this process is to research the capability of the existing District water distribution system and/or wastewater collection, pump stations and treatment system to meet the needs of the planned development.

To start the application process, the form below must be completed. Staff will review the information and an invoice will be sent for the administrative fee of $670.00 per utility. Please allow up to 14 days for the initial review and issuing of the invoice. The full analysis process requires approximately 6-8 weeks from receipt of payment. District staff will contact you if more information is required.

Availability & Capacity Analysis Request

Billing Address:(Required)

Project Information

Utility Type:(Required)
$670 Admin Review Fee will be charged per utility. Select all that apply.
Location of proposed development (street address, Town):
Project Type:(Required)
Select all that apply.


Type of Dwelling:
Select all that apply

Commercial/Industrial facility

Commercial/Industrial facility Type:
Select all that apply
Is irrigation planned?(Required)

Water and wastewater flow Rate Calculations

Estimated water usage and wastewater flow rates. Flow shall not be calculated using fixture counts (CT Plumbing Code maximums).

Fire Flow Information

Is Fire Service Planned?(Required)
Provide per local and State building and fire prevention codes for fire flow requirements. Notably the NFPA Codes 1 and 13 and/or in conjunction with Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2014, Guide for Determination of Needed Fire Flow.
Provide the largest sprinkler zone demand for conditions that are new, existing, renovated, expanded, etc. including sprinkler zones (if part of a building expansion/renovation/addition) over the entire property/lot.
Sprinkler System Type:
Select all that apply
Input size for each checked above
Standpipe(s): Wet or Dry:

Hydrant Information

Fire Pump Information


Required attachments
  1. DPH calculations per DPH design flow guidelines
  2. Location map, site plan and location of future water and sewer services
  3. An overall site layout drawing (24” x 36”) with contours.
  4. Stormwater analysis report, if applicable
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, Max. file size: 75 MB.