To apply for the temporary use of an MDC hydrant, customers are asked to download and fill out the application below, and bring it to Utility Services located at 125 Maxim Road in Hartford. Questions regarding acceptable sizes and types of meters, backflow prevention devices and auxiliary valves can be answered at the time of application based upon the customer’s intended usage. We encourage you to plan ahead as you may encounter some delays related to the purchase and delivery of required equipment. Please allow for 2 to 3 business days to process and set up hydrant meter installation. Please plan accordingly to ensure there are no delays on your project as the sooner you provide and meet all requirements the more efficiently MDC can service you.Hydrant Meter Application
CONTRACTORS Contractors must provide the following components for hydrant meters;
1.Stand. 2.Reduced pressure principle device backflow preventer. 3.A 2 1/2 inch female fire hose swivel adapter (pin lug type) with a male thread sized to fit reduced pressure principle device backflow preventer. 4.Hydrant Wrench. See labeled photo below.
THE MDC The MDC will provide the following components for hydrant meters;
1.Auxillary valves. 2.Hydrant meter. 3.A 2 1/2 inch fire hose male adapter.
See labeled photo below.
See below photo of hydrant meter with all components in place.
ILLEGAL USE OF FIRE HYDRANTS Illegal use of fire hydrants poses a public safety hazard as hydrants become damaged when not operated by professionally trained staff such as MDC and Fire Fighters. Illegal use of fire hydrants also causes water main breaks and prolonged dirty or rusty water for customers. Without the proper back flow prevention device attached to the hydrant, backflow contamination is possible when for example, landscape hydro seeders, sewer cleaning vehicles, water tanker vehicles, swimming pool refilling, is conducted without the permitted, approved and inspected devices attached.
To report the illegal use of a fire hydrant, please call MDC Command Center immediately at (860) 278-7850 press 1.