Town: Hartford
Notice is hereby given that The Metropolitan District (MDC; the “applicant”) of 555 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103 has submitted to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection an application under section 22a-208a of the Connecticut General Statutes for a permit to conduct a regulated activity in the construction, alteration or operation of solid waste facilities.
Specifically, the applicant proposes to operate a soil storage facility (transfer station). Less than 75 tons of soil will be managed per day. This facility provides temporary storage for potentially polluted or contaminated soil that is generated by MDC sewer and water main repair and installations within its eight-member town area. Soil is delivered to this facility typically during normal work hours. Analytical characterization is completed at the facility for proper disposal. The proposed activity will take place at 125 Maxim Road, Hartford, Connecticut. This proposed activity will potentially affect: The Connecticut River.
Interested persons may obtain copies of the application from Mr. Andrew Perham, CHMM, at The Metropolitan District, 555 Main Street, Hartford, CT, 06103. Telephone: (860) 278-7850, ext. 3449.
The application is available for inspection at and at the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127, telephone 860-424-3366 from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday.
Download Renewal for a Permit to Construct and Operate a Solid Waste Facility Application here