Project Area Maps for Tower Avenue North Meadows Sewer Rehabilitation Project

Project: Work is predominately sewer rehabilitation work and includes sewer mainline and house connection lining and sewer point repairs. Coastline Construction Corporation (CCC) is the contractor for Tower Ave Area Sewer Repairs Project. The scope of work is sewer rehabilitation with sewer point repairs, sewer mains and laterals lining, rehabilitation of sewer manholes and reconnection of catch basins to a stormwater system. CCC will perform sewer repairs, stormwater reconnection and other dig works, their subcontractor, National Water Main (NWM) will install a new CIPP liner for mains and laterals. The work will be performed on the following streets:
Tower Avenue (from Waverly St to Main St), Main Street (from Cleveland Ave to Windsor Ave), Addison Street, Ashford Street, Barbour Street, Cambridge Street, Cleveland Avenue, Greenwich Street, Hampton Street, Melrose Street, Montville Street, Rosemont Street and Rutland Street.

Contractors: Coastline, National Water Main (included 39% Hartford resident workforce)
Properties: 359
Schedule: August 2023 to 4th quarter 2024
Cost: $6.9M
Work Completed:
1.8 miles of sewer main lined
300 sewer laterals (private house connections) lined
58 sewer point repairs completed
71 manholes lined

Project Outreach Construction Notices

Sewer House Connection and Lining Notice (Sept 29)
Sewer House Connection and Lining Notice (Sept. 21)
Preconstruction Notice