Property Closing Requests

Thank you for submitting your property closing request information electronically. This form must be completed and submitted to the MDC at least 10 days prior to a property closing. For questions, please contact or MDC Customer Service at 860-278-7850 and press 4.
A final reading will be calculated based on the daily usage for the last billing period with the amount due calculated on a pro-rata basis utilizing such per diem usage from the day immediately following such period to and including the closing date, and the final invoice issued pursuant to such reading and calculated amount must be paid at closing. Because this amount is estimated, the closing parties should utilize the process prescribed in Closing Custom No.10 (Water and Sewer Readings/Escrow) of the Closing Customs of the Hartford County Bar Association (2009).
For accounts that have been estimated or vacant properties, MDC will need to inspect the meter and read the same. Ability to conduct this reading is predicated upon an operational meter on the property and access thereto to the extent necessary to secure such meter reading. Please contact MDC Customer Service for an appointment. All accounts having estimated meter readings must be reconciled and new meters installed. Accounts estimated and unreconciled are subject to Closing Custom No. 10 referenced above.
Any claim or debt due for charges for the use of water shall be and constitute a lien upon the property.
All balances and liens remaining post-closing will be paid and settled by new owner per MDC ordinance Section W2b.
MDC shall be notified of any change to the scheduled closing date.
Effective January 1, 2025, a Property Change of Ownership Administrative Fee of $110 will be charged on the final bill as part of the closing process.
For property lien information, please contact our Customer Accounting Department at