Water Used Charge (2025 Rate – $3.91 per CCF)
The Water Used Charge is charged uniformly to all MDC customers and is for actual water consumed at the property. The charged is measured in CCFs (100 cubic feet of water or roughly 748 gallons of water)
Water Used Charge for water consumption above 802 CCF per day (2025 Rate – $3.16 per CCF)
This charge applies to the water consumption by any customer that uses in excess of 802 CCFs per day as averaged over a monthly billing period. Note that the reduced rate only applies to the water consumption above 802 CCFs per day.
Water Customer Service Charge (2025 Rate – $14.98 per month)
In addition to the cost of the water as reflected in the water rate, there are further costs for every customer for infrastructure maintenance and repair, capital improvements and administrative overhead incurred in order to deliver water to your home. The development and maintenance of the reservoirs, dams, large transmission mains, water treatment facilities, pump stations and water mains all comprise the infrastructure investment necessary to deliver safe, pure drinking water to our over 400,000 customers. These additional costs are reflected in the Customer Service Charge, which is a fixed monthly charge. (Note charge is for a 5/8 meter, which is the typical size for a residential meter. Larger meters have higher rates.)
Ad Valorem Tax on Member Municipalities (Sewer Charge based on property taxes)
The MDC uses the “Ad Valorem” tax method to charge for the majority of customer sewer services. Under this method, the MDC bills the 8 member towns directly for sewer service, which the town recovers as part of its property tax assessments. The charge is based on a member town’s average past three years’ property tax receipts. In short, a portion of your property taxes pays for your sewer service.
Sewer Customer Service Charge (2025 Rate – $9 per month)
This charge recovers certain sewer costs, previously paid through a portion of Ad Valorem, including private property sewer work to investigate backups, unclog sewer laterals, excavate and repair sewer laterals and for 24-hour sewer emergency response. This work is separate from the treatment and disposal of sewage released from a property that is paid for via the Ad Valorem tax method.
Sewer User Charge (2025 Rate – $5.90 per CCF)
Most MDC member town customers pay for their sewer service via Ad Valorem as part of their municipal property taxes. All non-municipal tax-exempt users such as hospitals, churches, etc. and high-flow users (industrial/commercial customers with an average daily sewage discharge of more than 25,000 gallons) pay the Sewer User Charge based on water usage in lieu of the Ad Valorem tax.
Clean Water Project Charge (2024 Rate – $4.57 per CCF)
The CWP Charge, based on water usage, was enacted in October 2007 pursuant to Section 10-1 of the MDC Charter. It is used solely to pay for the principal and interest on bonds and loans issued by the MDC to finance the Clean Water Project, a major sewer infrastructure capital improvement project mandated by the federal and state governments for the 8 MDC Member towns that have water and sewer service. Once completed, the Clean Water Project will reduce combined sewer overflows to streams/rivers, eliminate CSO outfalls to Wethersfield Cove & North Branch Park River, address Sanitary Sewer Overflows outside of Hartford and reduce nitrogen discharges from our sewage treatment plants, which will result in a cleaner Connecticut River and Long Island Sound. Referendums passed in 2006 and 2012 authorized the initial spending for this charge. In 2023, CT DEEP approved a modified “Integrated Plan” document that manages the Clean Water Project which allows the MDC to begin new, smaller projects to meet regulatory goals without an additional referendum. This charge represents the majority of the increase in MDC water bills over the past 10 years.
Please note that the Water Used Charge, Water Used Charge for water consumption above 802 CCF per day, Customer Service Charge are the same for customers in both Member and Non-Member Towns. In addition, Non-Member Town customers pay the following:
Non-Member Town Charge (2025 rate – $14.98 per month)
The Non-Member Town Charge is a fixed charge for customers residing in non-member towns. (Note charge is for a 5/8 meter, which is the typical size for a residential meter. Larger meters have higher rates.) A Non-Member Town is not part of the MDC, but the MDC provides service to a portion of the town. This charge represents the Non-Member Town customer’s contribution to the cost of the MDC’s existing expanded infrastructure necessary to provide these customers with water and/or sewer services.
Special Capital Improvement Charge (2025 rates – Monthly Varies by Town)
The Special Capital Improvement Charge is a fixed monthly charge that fund capital improvement projects (such as a water main) in a specific Non-Member Town. (Note charge is for a 5/8 meter, which is the typical size for a residential meter. Larger meters have higher rates. See Water & Sewer Rates page for more info)
Glastonbury – $1.50
Farmington – $1.88
South Windsor – $1.18
Manchester – $2.68