Design and construction of sewer laterals District-wide (not North Hartford). This Project will include repairs, replacements and rehabilitation measures as a result of aging and deteriorating infrastructure. The replacement, rehabilitation and or upgrade of District equipment. District forces may be utilized for this program. The District costs may include salary, benefits and overhead.
Replacement, rehabilitation and/or upgrade of sewer laterals District Wide.
Future Appropriations
Additional appropriation requests for this Project may be anticipated in the future
Bond Language
The sum of $4,000,000 is hereby appropriated for the design and construction of sewer laterals District-wide. The appropriation may be expended for repairs, replacements and rehabilitation measures as a result of aging and deteriorating infrastructure. The appropriation may also be expended for design, inspection and construction costs, engineering and professional fees, mechanical, electrical, structural and architectural improvements, instrumentation, materials, equipment, legal fees and other costs related to the Project. District resources may be utilized for the Project. The District costs may include salary, benefits and overhead. The District’s Rate Stabilization Fund may be utilized as a funding source for the Project and for the payment of debt service on bonds or notes issued to pay for the Project.